

HOT DOC Exclusive: Governing via… emails


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An envelope full of e-mails that have been exchanged between the prime minister’s office,ministries’ offices and troika, has just arrived in HOT DOC’s office. As it turns out by the first backround check we did the emails are genuine. They refer to actual events and people with authentic email accounts are exchanging them. 

It is safe to say that their content is staggering. As it proves, employees, lawyers and advisers that take their orders directly from troika are responsible for the governing of the country. 

As the e-mails reveal, prime minister’s worries are not about the social impact but the political cost which would come up if the measures that are taken as necessary are in fact unmasked to be taken by order. What is more, those measures are manipulated not to go through parliament.

The style and ethos of the emails have their own semiology as well, since inferior employees through soapy language and servility to prime minister’s image make themselves indispensable to him.

It is proved by the most obvious way that everything our country has been suffering for the last years, are not national plans but decisions of a closed circle that has neither institutional role or social sensitiveness. The country is running by an outside center that is not controlled neither by the Parliament nor the government.

We decided to publish these emails which show the size of the betrayal. 

Ministry officials can’t know and arrange decisions that the Greek parliament doesn’t know anything about.

Mr Samaras must answer. If he decides to take “legal” actions against us, not only he will find us in front of him but he will again become an international “joke”.

This Thursday in HOT DOC’s new issue.

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